This Legal Notice regulates the use of the service of the website (from now on, the “Website”) that Ozeano Diseño & Interiorismo S.L. U with social address in Mutilva – Aranguren, Polígono Industrial, Calle P, Number 46 – 31192 Navarra, with e-mail address, and CIF number B-71384697, and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Pamplona, Volume 1959 Folio 30 Sheet NA-38993, (from now on OZEANO STUDIO), puts at the disposal of the users of Internet.
OZEANO STUDIO is a company dedicated to the Interior and Product Design sector, and is the author and owner of the Intellectual Property rights of those works generated by OZEANO STUDIO. To make any questions, comments, suggestions, exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition about your personal data you can contact us at; or by regular mail to the above address.
All the information contained in this Website, its graphic design, as well as its source code, constitute a work whose intellectual property belongs to OZEANO STUDIO. Internet users who access this Website can visualize the information contained in the same one and carry out downloads or private reproductions in their computer system, whenever the reproduced elements are not yielded later to third parties or are installed in a server connected to the Internet or to a local computer network.
OZEANO STUDIO declines any responsibility derived from:
Failures on the Website caused by force majeure, fortuitous cases or other causes not attributable to the same.
Technical and/or mechanical problems or viruses produced during the connection to the Internet (through OZEANO STUDIO Website), by computer elements of any nature.
Services and / or information provided on other sites linked to this one. OZEANO STUDIO does not control or exercise any type of supervision on third party Websites.
Likewise, OZEANO STUDIO, is not responsible for communications that, including the name of OZEANO STUDIO, have not previously been authorized.